Blog corrections
Reader's work shop
Essay Basics:
Body paragraphs
Writer's Workshop
Due Friday:
1. RJ 6.1- 6.4 w/parent signature
2. Book Project #2
First, we started off with Parker reading her blog, which had few mistakes. Good job Parker!!
I knew Parker was going to choose me, and I'm kinda glad Parker picked me because I want to get it out the way.
Next, we had reader's workshop while Ms. Nakada graded our reading journals. The class was very quiet. Shocking! When the class was done reading, Ms. Nakada said, "How is your reading life?" Even though no one asked for my opinion, mine is going pretty well.
Then, Ms. Nakada passed out the "The Poverty Myth" article. I think on a new sheet of paper, I might be wrong. We wrote a thesis, problem, solution, and conclusion for the "The Poverty Myth." We referred to the Curtis brothers. The question was "Do the Curtis brothers support or counter the poverty myth?" Ms. Nakada had the class do sparring, and I have no idea what that is. Sorry, I wasn't listening.
After, Ms. Nakada passed out a work sheet. Ms. Nakada had told us that she's used that same work sheet for a long time. She showed us this portable keyboard thingy. It looks pretty cool! The keyboard thingy is RADICAL!!!
Currently it's writer's workshop. The worksheet is an exit ticket, kinda, so this gives me time to work on the worksheet. Yay! The class was pretty loud. It's all good though.
Sadly, the bell rang. Now I have to stay in here because I have to the blog. :(
Many people asked to be put in blog so here you go: Caleb (Thank you for helping me spell referred) Powpowzilla, Dayanara, Natalia, Guillermo, Nylah. Sorry if I didn't put you in the blog. And, sorry if I spelled your name wrong; I'm bad at spelling names.
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