Blog corrections
RJ check
Reader's workshop
RJ 3.2
T.O P.100-118
Caleb wasn't here, so he couldn't choose anyone to do the blog. Then, Natalia said I should do today's blog. Rude! Sadly, everyone agreed. I went up to the computer, to discover there were some technical difficulties! I sat here confused, but Ms. Nakada new what to do. Thank goodness.
First, we went over our reading journals. Nobody wanted to read theirs to the class, so I volunteered Natalia, karma! When she was done reading, we reviewed the end of the chapter. We discussed the most important part of the chapter, Darry actually loves Ponyboy! Everyone thought: fire, heroes, and home would be the best words to describe the chapter. After that, Ms. Nakada told us to take out a sticky note, and mark the end of the chapter.
When we were done, a few people passed out work. Everyone got a good grade! Ms. Nakada told everyone she was ok with late work; Ms. Nakada would let students make up any missing assignments!
Then, we neatly put our papers into our portfolios, and moved on.
Quite a few people hadn't finished taking the Star Readers Test. So, Ms. Nakada gave everyone silent time to finish the test, or to read silently. About 10 minuets passed before the bell rang.
I don't know who I will choose for tomorrow's blog. All I know is that Natalia is going to pay!
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