NaNoWriMo Prep
Rj 11.1 read for 20-30 min. and record
I'm just going to make this kinda basic. So, class started off with Jaiden reading her blog. It took a while for her to get through it. She seemed very distracted, but she tried. Honestly, I think we should get a point for the most mistakes in a single blog ever. Anyways, she picked me because Ray was too scared to do it.
Then, we did the Q-Q-Song. The quote was, "If there is a book you really wan to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." People thought it meant that if there isn't a good book write one for yourself. The question was, "Do teachers give too much homework?" Almost everyone said no, teachers don't, but Ms. Shanley was an exception. Anyways, the song was "You Are the Everything" by R.E.M.
After, we did Inktober. Jonathan started bragging about how he already did it. Good for you Jonathan, but after, The class was fairly quiet besides the fact that people started talking to Ms. Nakada about phones. Then, it started getting loud again.
But then, Ms. Nakada passed out a packet to get people ready for NaNoWriMo. Jonathan got scared because apparently there was too much. It just gives us information about what NaNoWriMo is really about. So, Ms. Nakada asked us what our favorite novel was, and of course Jaiden has so say something.
Anyways, I'm gonna end my blog here. The people who wanted to be in the blog are: Little Man, Daniel, Paola, Ray, Nylah, and of course, Caleb. The picture is Jonathan's picture of overgrown in Inktober.
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