Renata's Second Blog ;)

Blog- corrections
Fall Final Corrections
Manana Iguana

Read for fun!
AR 100%/500,000 words

Hi! Today, class started off pretty loudly. People chatted about some random, yet interesting subjects. Then, Skylar went up to read her blog to the class. It was amazing! Really. In her blog, she mentioned Natalia complimenting her on the blog. This flattered Natalia, for it proved to her that she can be a good person (which she definitely is, in my opinion). However, all of this positive energy was ruined for me when Skylar picked me to do the blog. Honestly, this seat, up front, haunts me. Just imagine having to sit there, in front of everybody, typing, while your classmates watch you suffer through the blog. And as if this isn't enough, the next day you have to stand in front of the class, read your blog, and then get humiliated as the corrections are made. Anyway, enough of that nightmare. As I made my way towards the laptop, Natalia asked me to add to the blog, the fact that she is a good person, which Isabella C. started contradicting.

Class continued with Ms. Nakada announcing to the class that we may do English Final corrections. A couple of students accepted that option, and made their way... somewhere. Sorry, but I don't know where. Sorry, again!

Anyway, then we (I mean, the class) got introduced to Novelly. I am not exactly sure what it is (sorry!), but from what I heard, it is a young writer's program for students from grades eight to nine. Each year, they pick a new topic. This year, the topic is immigration. The class discussed, and argued about a story they read, which was about immigration.

We didn't have time for Manana Iguana, because class ended so soon. Jessica wanted to be in the blog, and so did Caleb (surprise!). Eventually, Nylah also asked to be in it. I think she caught the Caleb-vibe. So... I hope you guys have a great week! Bye!
