Blog corrections
Fall final grades
Winter haiku gifts
of words
Read for fun
AR 100%/ 500,000 words
Class started off today with Renata reading her blog. There were few or no corrections to make, so we got a point for our class. After we finished the blog corrections, Ms. Nakada asked for help to hand out portfolios and our finals.
Next, she told us to take out our haiku notes from yesterday. Soon after, everyone was clapping to make sure they have the right amount of syllables in their poems. She then asked for people to share. Jaiden shared her haiku, and I thought it was great.
Someone passed out a piece of paper with two poems by Robert Frost. We started a new page in our English notebooks and titled it "Gifts of Words." We had to glue the paper into our notebooks. Ms. Nakada read the first poem named "Good Hours." After she finished reading the poem, she started snapping. Everyone seemed confused at first but eventually played along. We then read the second poem named "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening." This has nothing to do with what's going on, but Natalia came up to me and whispered "I love you" while I was typing, and I don't know how to feel about it. Anyway, after we finished the second poem, we had to figure out what it was about. We came to the term that it means it's the idea of being alone and what the difference between loneliness and solitude. We then discussed what was happening in the poem. There was repetition going on in the poem. Caleb said "A DEAD BODY" and I have no clue what's going on now. While explaining what's going on in the poem I over hear Payton say "I'd love to freeze to death." I'm kind of scared, not going to lie. I'm not really paying attention to what's going on. Most of my attention is focused on the 'cool beans' magnet on the board.
We finished talking about the poems and then Ms. Nakada started talking about how we can create our own "Gifts of Words." She then showed us poems that people have given her before? I don't know, I drifted off. Class is about to end, and I'm ready to just finish this blog already. Ms. Nakada then handed everyone a blank sheet of paper for their Gift of Words. The conversations in this class are very strange. Jaiden complains about how she lost her turtle. The bell just rang, and I don't want to stay here for nutrition so the people who wanted to be in the blog are: Isabella, Nylah, Bryanna, Guillermo, and Caleb is the best.
Renata says HI:)
Blog corrections
Fall final grades
Winter haiku gifts
of words
Read for fun
AR 100%/ 500,000 words
Class started off today with Renata reading her blog. There were few or no corrections to make, so we got a point for our class. After we finished the blog corrections, Ms. Nakada asked for help to hand out portfolios and our finals.
Next, she told us to take out our haiku notes from yesterday. Soon after, everyone was clapping to make sure they have the right amount of syllables in their poems. She then asked for people to share. Jaiden shared her haiku, and I thought it was great.
Someone passed out a piece of paper with two poems by Robert Frost. We started a new page in our English notebooks and titled it "Gifts of Words." We had to glue the paper into our notebooks. Ms. Nakada read the first poem named "Good Hours." After she finished reading the poem, she started snapping. Everyone seemed confused at first but eventually played along. We then read the second poem named "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening." This has nothing to do with what's going on, but Natalia came up to me and whispered "I love you" while I was typing, and I don't know how to feel about it. Anyway, after we finished the second poem, we had to figure out what it was about. We came to the term that it means it's the idea of being alone and what the difference between loneliness and solitude. We then discussed what was happening in the poem. There was repetition going on in the poem. Caleb said "A DEAD BODY" and I have no clue what's going on now. While explaining what's going on in the poem I over hear Payton say "I'd love to freeze to death." I'm kind of scared, not going to lie. I'm not really paying attention to what's going on. Most of my attention is focused on the 'cool beans' magnet on the board.
We finished talking about the poems and then Ms. Nakada started talking about how we can create our own "Gifts of Words." She then showed us poems that people have given her before? I don't know, I drifted off. Class is about to end, and I'm ready to just finish this blog already. Ms. Nakada then handed everyone a blank sheet of paper for their Gift of Words. The conversations in this class are very strange. Jaiden complains about how she lost her turtle. The bell just rang, and I don't want to stay here for nutrition so the people who wanted to be in the blog are: Isabella, Nylah, Bryanna, Guillermo, and Caleb is the best.
Renata says HI:)
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