Angel's third blog

Blog corrections
Reader's Workshop/Binder Reminder Check
Book projects/Reading Journal check
Hw: Enjoy a weekend off!

Today is a minimum day, hooray. Ray had read his blog, and I thought it was good, to be honest. I overheard Jaiden and Natalia talking about Jaiden's calf "exploding" which is not true or possible, I believe. Since everybody is quietly reading their books or taking AR tests, I am just going to be typing without thinking at all for now.

Do you guys know what a Argonian is? Well, an Argonian is a humanoid lizard that come from the area of the Black Marsh in Tamriel. I know that any of you aren't going to understand any of this due to the fact that you guys don't play any of the Elder scrolls games.

Daniel wants me to add a tribute to Larry the Lizard in the blog so here goes. R.I.P Larry the Lizard you were a lizard. There you go Daniel. Here are the people that wanted to be in the blog Jonathan and Daniel. I will also add the cool kid of the class to the blog and their name is

[Insert Drumroll Here]

