Ray's Third Blog :D

Blog corrections
"Roll Call for Michael Brown''
Lit. Circles / Readers' workshop

RJ 4.4 read for 20 to 30 minutes
& get parent signature

Open house 2/6 6-8pm
Book project due 2/7

Daniel read his blog. After he was done reading, everyone that sat near me said to pick me, but you could of picked anyone in the class. When I sat down Jaiden said "Do numbers have a lower case?" As I'm writing, all I hear behind me is Jaiden calling my name. I'm not going to answer you. Ms. Nakada passed out a paper "Roll Call for Michael Brown." After Ms. Nakada was done reading, we discussed it as a class. The class went quiet, and all I can hear is papers flipping back and forth. Ms. Nakada told the class what a response poem was and said that she was going to write about the crash that killed Kobe Bryant and eight others. When the class was done writing she asked if anyone waned to share what they wrote. No one moved. Ms. Nakada said that you can take it home and get up to twenty points. Someone behind me said, "Loser, I mean what a blessing." I'm not going to say who.

When people came up to get iPads to take an AR test, Jaiden was hitting me with a ruler, but little did she know Jonathan silently taking her turtle to give to me, great team work. Then the bell rang, and I was saved. People that want to be in the blog is no one, but Caleb and Guillermo.

I also asked Guillermo to fix any mistakes I made in the blog. Natalia was disappointed that I had Guillermo fix the mistakes. He only fixed mistakes that were noticeable. Don't attack Guillermo please. He meant no harm.

The End.
