Blog Corrections
Story Corps: John Lewis
Literature Circles
HW: Enjoy the MLK weekend. Make good trouble.
HW: Enjoy the MLK weekend. Make good trouble.

Melody's blog was well, in my opinion, and there were about four mistakes in all.
I'm a failure at everything I attempt so I can't relate. I don't even understand why I was so keen on the idea of doing the blog. I type slow and can't spell most words that have three or more syllables, so how am I supposed to get my class another point? Just the thought of reading this mess out loud, to everyone, makes me want to puke.
Why did I do this to myself? Now, I'm going to have to suffer, as everyone has their beady, little eyes on me. Ugh, getting anxious....
Anyway, enough hating myself, time to talk about class.
When we finished blog corrections, Ms. Nakada began playing a Story Corp where a man named John Lewis talked about his life quickly. I was trying to get the Agenda down so all I heard was the fact that John Lewis used to preach to chickens, and I was a little confused. He said that his mom always told him to stay out of trouble, but he believed in making good trouble.
The Story Corp was so fast, it seems like everyone will have a really long time to read. That gives me two options: 1) I read like everyone else, because I'm not cool, or 2) I just sit here and type, pretending to be productive, while in reality I'm not doing jack-squat.
Yeah, the second option sounds way better. And now, I look around the room trying not to hate myself, and look for something to type about.
10:24: Skylar pushes her hair behind her ear. Wow... interesting.
10:25: Ms. Nakada breaks the silence and asked the class to discuss their books. I try listening, but all I hear is Caleb behind me harassing people with words. Then, he began saying questionable things. For example, that I'm pregnant.
Then, for reasons I don't quite understand I heard Daniel ask Guillermo, and I quote, "Guillermo, what is a bean?"
Little Dweeb/Man came by and said to put him in the blog, so hear you go, dude.
Then, Payton came by, put his giant, fat hand on my head and said, "Put me in the blog child," So, here you go.
Daniel asked me for the seventh time what a bean is and I felt like attacking him with the nearest thing I could grab, which so happened to be a glue bottle.
The bell rang, and everyone filed out of the class. Payton reminded me to put him in the blog, so here you go. Caleb was about to ask the same thing, but I cut him off and said I already put him in the blog, so here you go.
My back really hurts, and to be honest, I would rather have Henlo (A made-up eyebrow disease) then read this aloud, but no one cares about what I feel, because I am irrelevant as heck.
Okay then, this blog has more words then the amount of times I've blinked today so I think I'm going to sign off.
Also, the picture above is something I drew real quick in class, so, yeah!
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