Ray's Second Blog

New Seats
Blog Corrections
New Semester

HW RJ 1.1 Read for 20-30
min. & record.

We started class off with Caleb reading his blog, which took a while. Quote of the week is "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver. Song of the week "What's Goin' on" Marvin Gaye. Question of the week "What 2020 news are you anxious/ excited about?" After Ms. Nakada played "What's Goin' On" she asked, "What are your favorite  lines" and Little Man said his favorite was "What's going' on," which doesn't surprised anyone because he always picks the title. This is kinda random, but Natalia asked what diet water tasted like. Then, Ms. Nakada gave the class a paper which she explains. Ms. Nakada then says what we're going to do for some months. Ms. Nakada explained the book To Kill A Mockingbird. Sorry for the short blog, but M.s Nakada basically explained what we are going to do this year. People who wanted to be in the blog: Kayla, Jaiden, Daniel, Caleb, Guillermo, and Little Man.
