Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 10

Agenda: independent study
Submit Final Book Projects

HW: Do something new! 

Hey y'all. Congrats on making it through these two weeks. Remember when we thought this was all we would miss and we'd be back on March 30th? Well, it looks like we won't be back until May at the earliest, so today, get that book project finished up and turned in. Then get those reading journals turned in. Finally, relax. Turn off the screen and breathe if you can. Try to just focus on your breath and not think about any worries or stresses. No Zoom class today... 

Have a great weekend, ok. Maybe learn something new!  

If you want to doodle, I did Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems this week with my kids and that was fun. Or maybe go to a dance party online with dnice on insta. Or master that Tik Tok dance. Have fun. Be free. Be kids. 

See you all on Monday. 

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  1. I'm so bored at home.

    1. I have blog corrections, It should be " Turn off the screen." and " master that Tik Tok dance."

    2. Thanks, Guillermo. I'll fix that!

  2. hi. My sister doesn't have any school related work today and I'm mad that I don't have the same.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I meant Our only work should be to stay healthy not actually do any schoolwork, because now I feel we have more work than usual, me no likey.

    3. Do you really feel like you're getting more work? From me?

  3. Hi I'm here and so is Payton


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